Troldtekt & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

In-depth activities and documented results are the keywords for Troldtekt’s CSR initiatives. We have joined the UN Global Compact scheme, and report every year on our CSR initiatives within four areas.

Troldtekt’s work with CSR is a dynamic process that is integrated in our senior management. It is not the number of CSR goals that matter for us. Rather, it is about continually analysing which objectives are most important – and then working ambitiously to achieve them.

A key element of Troldtekt’s CSR work is the Cradle to Cradle principles, which also underpin the company’s business strategy.

We support the UN’s principles

Since 2010, we have belonged to the UN Global Compact – the world’s biggest voluntary initiative for corporate social responsibility. This means that we support and operate on the basis of the UN’s ten principles within human rights, labour rights, the environment and anti-corruption. It also means that we are obliged to report annually on our initiatives and progress. 

More on the topic

Troldtekt’s values drawn up by employees

Troldtekt’s values are being innovative, trustworthy and socially responsible. We create results through development. We keep our promises. And we act responsibly in everything we do.

CSR formalised in CSR policy

Troldtekt wants to be a socially responsible company that promotes sustainable development and a circular economy. This ambition is formalised in our CSR policy and membership of the UN Global Compact. We work strategically with CSR, and report annually on our CSR measures within four main areas.

Troldtekt & UN Global Compact

The UN Global Compact is the world’s biggest voluntary initiative for corporate social responsibility with 8,700 member enterprises and organisations in more than 130 countries. Troldtekt joined in 2010.

Code of Conduct for Troldtekt A/S

Troldtekt’s Code of Conduct aims to ensure that our suppliers apply the same environmental, ethical and social standards as we do in our production of acoustic panels. Read how here.

80 years of social responsibility

In 1936, the company’s managing director and owner Louis Hammerich established a fund which exists to this day, and which offers Troldtekt employees facing hardship a helping hand financially.

Troldtekt and the environment

The Cradle to Cradle principles serve as a strategic management tool, guaranteeing continuity and the development of the company’s work with sustainability. At Troldtekt, we focus intensely on making a positive contribution to the environment.

Troldtekt and labour conditions

We are continually seeking to further improve the working environment and make Troldtekt an even more attractive place to work. Troldtekt supports and looks after its employees to provide the best possible basis for high levels of job satisfaction and well-being. We have a flat organisational culture with the possibility of open dialogue between employees and management.

Troldtekt and society

At Troldtekt, we engage in society and are continually in dialogue with our stakeholders. At Troldtekt we actively participate in society around us and seek informal and honest dialogue with our immediate stakeholders. In Troldhede, where production takes place, the company engages in a positive dialogue with neighbours and local associations on projects that will benefit the local community.

Troldtekt and human rights

As part of its membership of the UN Global Compact, Troldtekt is committed to supporting and promoting human rights. At Troldtekt, we work – among other things through our membership of the UN Global Compact – to promote sustainability and CSR in the construction industry as well as supporting and promoting human rights.

Troldtekt and CSR reporting

As part of Troldtekt's adherence to the UN Global Compact, we report every year on our activities within the four main areas of environment, labor relations, society and human rights