Troldtekt and Labour Conditions
Troldtekt is its employees and they are the source of our passion. They ensure that we can deliver acoustic solutions that contribute to a good indoor climate in buildings every day. That’s why we focus on offering a safe, secure and educational working environment.

At Troldtekt, we want to create a good and safe workplace for all employees. Safety is paramount in a manufacturing company and is an area of constant focus for Troldtekt.
Creating a safe working environment without occupational accidents or near-misses must be part of our culture – and that calls for continuous training, visibility and, not least, perseverance. Everyone agrees that safety has the highest priority, but only by incorporating safe habits into our routines can we live up to our ambitions.
Our Health & Safety Coordinator systematises our safety work and ensures that initiatives and guidelines are given the right visibility in everyday work.
Specifically, and among other initiatives, our three health and safety representatives have completed a safety course at Dansk Metal. In addition, we work with a systematic review and risk assessment of all processes and work areas, run internal campaigns and focus on correct and ongoing reporting of safety observations and near misses.
Enhanced training and development
Troldtekt attaches great importance to the training of our employees – because we want to be an attractive workplace with good development opportunities and because we want to be the best specialists in our field.
As we have employees with many different educational backgrounds, it can be a complex task to offer the right framework and opportunities for everyone. Our People & Development Manager sets the framework for professional development.
As we continue to grow, we will need even more specialist knowledge and upskilling in a number of areas in parallel with more management training, as good management is essential for employee satisfaction and company cohesion.
Conditions of employment
Employee conditions are rooted in Troldtekt’s personnel policy, in our works council (SU) and in our occupational health and safety committee (AMO).
Employees are represented by trades union representatives, who ensure they are kept informed on an ongoing basis about their conditions and rights. Troldtekt adheres to the Confederation of Danish Industry’s current collective agreement, provides free workwear, the possibility of flexible working hours as well as health insurance for all interested employees.
With regard to salary, working hours and conditions for sick leave, Troldtekt offers better conditions than those stipulated in collective agreements. We attach importance to being an inclusive workplace, where we also make room for our colleagues engaged on a flexible basis or who otherwise need more considerate working conditions.