AU Moesgaard
The renovation of a partially heritage-listed manor building was no barrier to creating a vibrant, modern education and research environment at Moesgård, near Aarhus.

If you look from the main buildings at Moesgård Manor, you can see the new Moesgård Museum (MOMU) rising dramatically out of the hill north of the manor. Jointly with Aarhus University, the Museum still houses several departments in the historic barns and dairy buildings.
Throughout the process there was close consultation with all the site user groups and the Danish Agency for Culture. Erik Einar Holms Tegnestue provided valuable expertise on building conservation, particular in relation to the building exteriors, while Arkitema architects designed an educational environment with a good atmosphere and great sensitivity for detail and materials, includingr the landscaping and furnishings.
Arkitema's architect, Anna Kathrine Bisgaard, comments: "One of our key ideas has been to carry on the spirit of the site in several ways. For example, the patinated red bricks of the facade inspired the orange floors throughout while Troldtekt's textured surfaces were ideal for the location and the foundation for a good indoor climate. The former agricultural buildings were originally designed with a major focus on function; the same is true of what we have added.