A school for the future
The school Holmegårdsskolen in Hvidovre is expanding and renovating

Adding two new buildings to a school from 1940 is a comprehensive and demanding process. At Holmegårdsskolen, new facilities are being created for the pre-school children as well as for the lower secondary classes. Given that the old main building is also being renovated at the same time, the project presents a logistical challenge that requires considerable patience on the part of staff, pupils and the contractors.
The two phases of the project are not expected to be completed until summer 2022. By then, Holmegårdsskolen will thus have been given a complete makeover as part of Hvidovre’s vision of being a town for families and young children: “Whatever their background, children living in the municipality must be able to develop in the best possible way.”
Recently, the school was able to start using the new school building for its pre-school classes. It has been designed in close collaboration with the school’s management and teachers. JJW Arkitekter drew the lines for the beautiful extension, which ties in well with the existing school. Through the generous use of recycled red bricks, a textural narrative has been created, something that is often lacking in modern educational institutions.
High ceilings
A large staircase forms the heart of the building, and this is where the children meet weekly for assembly, for example. Each year group has its own floor, which is arranged with classrooms, communal areas, workshops and small, cosy learning spaces, which can be used for teaching and also for after-school club activities.
Great pains have been taken to create the best possible indoor climate, without compromising of course on the aesthetic qualities. Using simple means, the architects have concealed the large ventilation ducts in the walls along the corridors. This has also created storage niches and practical cupboard space.
Troldtekt acoustic panels have been installed on the ceilings and walls in the large open communal rooms. Here, an impressive sense of space has been combined with balanced acoustics that are perfect for singing, play and letting off steam.
Mikkel Koed Forup from JJW ARKITEKTER says:
"At Holmegårdsskolen, Troldtekt was chosen for several reasons:
- The possibility of diffuse ventilation, and thus no need for air diffusers
- Easy adaptation and installation
- Superior acoustic properties
- Goes well with wood cladding
Our experience of Troldtekt is generally very good. Both in terms of the finished product and during the planning phase. We’re actually very happy using Troldtekt in almost every room; in the basic rooms as a classic ceiling panel, and in the slightly larger spaces as more anonymous cladding."
Today, 556 pupils attend Holmegårdsskolen in Hvidovre, a suburb of Copenhagen, but when the new buildings are completely finished, the school will be able to accommodate 700 pupils with three classes in each year. In total, the building work is costing approx. DKK 170 million.