Roskilde Cathedral school
Roskilde Cathedral school has 1250 students and 150 staff and is brimming with vitality and activities. It is Denmark's most popular upper secondary school in terms of the number of young people who rate it first choice for their STX course (general certificate - A level).

The school therefore has a reputation to maintain and has embarked on a five year upgrade programme for its buildings, originally built in 1969. In addition to a new multi-purpose sports facility, the cafeteria has been renovated and enlarged to cater for all the students, while a new section has four classrooms connected around a small square.
When so many people are gathered in a busy environment such as this, daylight, indoor climate and acoustics are all vitally important. About 1800 sqm of grey painted Troldtekt panels have been installed in the cafeteria and the new classrooms. Ridge skylights have also been installed, creating attractive effects and a brightly lit environment.
Mads Stenbæk Jakobsen, a partner in Sweco Architects, comments on the choice of Troldtekt panels. "The ceiling was primarily chosen for its acoustic properties. This is because learning methods are continually changing, putting increasing focus on tuition outside of classrooms. In addition, there are growing demands for common rooms and flexible rooms. All this means that good acoustics are vital.”
"It was also important to find an eco-labelled product made of natural materials because Roskilde Cathedral school works actively with the environment and sustainability in its teaching. It has received the Danish Outdoor Council's green flag in recognition of its work.”