Expansive harbour views
The Isfuglen winter swimming club at Brøndby harbour on the southern outskirts of Copenhagen now has excellent new facilities for members gathering for an icy dip, a sauna and social interaction.

The harbour – with its many charming red wooden buildings – is a favourite place with many locals. The new clubhouse carries on this tradition of red painted wood, but its location at the far end of the harbour gives the building a different character. The distinctive building welcomes sailors entering the harbour by boat.
The clubhouse has its own identity, which opens out to the water and highlights the site’s many qualities. From the large wooden deck connecting the clubhouse to the ladder to the waves, everybody can enjoy the sea views. Benches have been carefully integrated into the whole.
Inside, Isfuglen members have access to a sauna with panoramic views of the water and the horizon as well as changing rooms, showers and toilets. The large foyer with a kitchenette is spacious and warm, with veneer on the walls and Troldtekt acoustic panels on the ceiling. A perfect place for members to gather for a cup of coffee.
Large windows and doors create a sense of connectedness with the charming harbour scene and the skies beyond. The room gets bathed in natural light and has a great atmosphere. Wood and Troldtekt panels underscore the warm atmosphere and ensure good acoustics. The room feels simple yet complex at the same time, as the vaulted ceiling follows the building’s roof line and a mirror wall reflects the scenery outside, disrupting the shape of the room.